PRODUCT CODE: 9781847309488 New Lower Price

Every Bush Aflame

by John Feehan
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About the Book:
One of the themes that echoes most frequently through Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ landmark publication on the environment, is the central role of biodiversity in creation spirituality, because the 'dimming of the rainbow of life’s diversity' has a signifi cance that goes way beyond our concern for its impact upon our human welfare. This is the result of a deepening awareness of the role of every living species in God’s unfolding plan.
Every Bush Aflame is an extended refl ection on this profoundly central theme. It explores the origins of biodiversity in Christian theology, its roots in our growing scientifi c understanding of the true nature and scale of life’s complexity and diversity, and the implications of all this for the kind of Christian response called for in Laudato Si’. Particular emphasis is laid on the importance of the personal encounter with the natural world through which we read the ‘other book’ of revelation in which God reveals himself to us: that ‘magnifi cent book in which God speaks to us and grants us a glimpse of his infi nite beauty and goodness’ (Laudato Si’, 12). Every Bush Aflame argues that those whose lives are directed by
the spiritual perspective this profoundly deeper understanding offers should be the most deeply motivated to respond to the
challenge presented by the current environmental crisis.

About the Author:
John Feehan,
recently retired from his role as senior lecturer in the School of Agriculture and Food Science at University
College Dublin, is the author of books on every aspect of the natural and cultural heritage of the Irish landscape, including
the defi nitive history of farming in Ireland. His book on creation spirituality, The Singing Heart of the World: Creation, Evolution
and Faith, was published by the Columba Press in Ireland in 2010 and by Orbis in America in 2012.